
Robert Gerst

In these magnificent recordings, clear and mysterious as haiku, Gordon Hempton distills the spirit of the natural world. As wild sound in a movie, they hitch the seen to the invisible. A gift for every filmmaker!

Robert Gerst
Author, Make Film History: Rewrite, Reshoot, and Recut the World’s Greatest Films


Gordon Hempton brings new meaning to the word purist. He meticulously scouts out sites for his soundscapes… Hempton is totally in touch with his environment as a listener, and he is committed to bringing what he hears to a wider audience.


Bryan Schatz

Essentials is exactly that: essential. These exceptional audio tracks give readers the sense of being inside the story.

Bryan Schatz

Peter Comley

A colossal achievement.

Peter Comley
Sound Designer

The Seattle Times

Your ears are caressed by resonant acoustical poetry.

The Seattle Times


You may hear for the first time what has been missing in most other recordings – real rolling and shaking, a genuine edge-of-night boom-and-gloom gluttony of power and subtlety unmatched in the world of audio…


San Francisco Examiner

His recordings will immortalize the few remaining quiet corners of the Earth.

San Francisco Examiner

The Weekly

There is something about them that makes you want to redefine the words, “truth and beauty.” Listening to them through headphones, with your eyes closed, inspires visions as vivid as outright hallucinations.

The Weekly

Vincent C. Siew

They are so accurate and authentic as a tone poem from heaven.

Vincent C. Siew
Former Minister of Economic Affairs, Republic of China

Dan Kowalski

Ahh… what a treat! The sound is impeccable.

Dan Kowalski
digital filmmaker

Sarah Waller

I got goose bumps listening. I’m totally in awe.

Sarah Waller
radio producer

Marie-Juliette Beer

I’m really humbled by the beauty of these recordings.

Marie-Juliette Beer
recording artist

Gabo Guzzo

Brilliant work! I was absorbed by the multiplicity of sounds and voices.

Gabo Guzzo

Franz Bruckhoff

Spot-on. I’ve never heard like this before. Awesome!

Franz Bruckhoff
UX designer / iOS app developer

Ken Burns

An artist who never stopped listening.

Ken Burns

Max Ritts

For the researcher in environmental studies, Hempton’s offerings are vivid, generous, and diverse. I am especially struck by the volcano recordings.

Max Ritts
doctoral candidate, UBC