Coniferous Forests


Four hundred million years in the making, Coniferous Forests are simpler, quieter, and more spacious habitats than other forests, and yet they still resound with more than enough sonic diversity to mesmerize your audience. It’s all here–from the faint phip of a needle drop onto the forest floor to the adrenalin surging bugles of Roosevelt Elk, the screech of Red-tailed Hawk, the jackhammer drumming of numerous woodpeckers and the howling of wolves, both, both far away and near at hand. This pristine collection of 181 carefully mastered recordings offers birdsongs, insect choruses, and a wide selection of ambiences to help you meet your most demanding design needs. Included are two helpful guides: Sound Designing with Coniferous Forests and How to Record Coniferous Forests. Metadata provides valuable information such as species ID, event description and geographic location (SoundMiner® readable).

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181 .wav files (24 bit / 48kHz)